Ubooquity on Synology – Kuboo on Android

How to put Ubooquity book server on Synology and then use OPDS-able Kuboo app on Android to read your ebooks. Introduction I’ve been hoarding ebooks for the last decade or so. All kinds of readable stuff in mainly pdf, epub and mobi format found way to my hard drive and phone. It all got too…


Upgrading Nextcloud on shared hosting

Live coverage of upgrading attempts. Several fails so far and maybe success at the end. I’ve tried upgrading from ver 18 to ver 19 before but failed. Now I’ll try again, but all the way to ver 20. My Nextcloud instance runs on shared hosting with no SSH access. I can only use occ commands…


Simplenote to Joplin import tutorial

Install Joplin desktop, export notes from Simplenote, change extensions to .md and import to Joplin. Read on if you have time. I always wanted to have a simple note taking app that can note text and pictures. Joplin, a FOSS peace of software, was just what I was looking for. A word about my Joplin…


The right Linux distro for beginners

Different Linux distros to a new user probably look like a forest of strange lookalike trees. How to choose the right one for yourself? Distro, short from distribution. Linux jargon for beginners How to choose a Linux distro*? This question is probably difficult to answer for a person who never used Linux but would want…


Testing Manjaro KDE 20.0 by a beginner

Booting from live USB and testing the beginner workflow. So far I have been using Ubuntu Mate as my home laptop OS. It performed all home tasks well and that is surfing the internet, writing, listening to music and similar. Now the laptop’s screen died. I can still use it connected to a monitor but…


What? Why?

What this will be about what and why. (updated on 17.8.2020.) Effilicious is about all things which are efficient and delicious, but not necessarily at the same time. You will find here methods to do this and that as well as recipes for cooking. This about covers the What. Why? L’art pour l’art and maybe…